The decision to relocate is never an easy one. It’s a blend of excitement, nerves, and a desire to redefine life’s coordinates. From our previous article, you probably already know that our employees come from all over the world. As for now, we have 30 different nationalities working at ioki!🤯🤩 Now we are quite sure you have a lot of questions on your mind. Where do we start? How is the process? Read below to find out more!⬇️

Meet Muhammad Hassan Assim, one of our iOS developers. Last year, he decided to move from Pakistan to Germany to work for ioki.

hassan smiling

“I was shopping with a friend as I got the acceptance email to work at ioki. I was thrilled but nervous at the same time as I had to leave my home, my family, my friends, and my country behind. It was only a few days after my final remote interview, and everything went by faster than I thought. The next big thing on the agenda? Packing up and moving to Frankfurt!

The following support was provided by ioki and that helped me to relocate successfully ⬇️

Consistent communication

From the very start, the People Team was ready to answer every question I had about the entire relocation process. It did not take long for them to reply to my email, and when it comes to visa process with a lot of bureaucracy, constant and easy communication is the key.

Dedicated support from a relocation agency

ioki has been generous in facilitating my relocation by connecting me with a specialised relocation agency in Germany. The visa process for certain countries can be overly complex when handled independently. To streamline this process, ioki offers this service in specific cases.

Settling in Frankfurt

In terms of accommodation, ioki assisted me in finding a flat in Germany. This is particularly beneficial, considering that searching for an apartment from abroad can be a challenging task.

Making connections

I had the opportunity to meet my entire team online prior to my arrival in Frankfurt. This introduction made everything feel more familiar and helped me settle into the company culture more easily. Besides this, ioki also offers the ‘be a buddy program’ as a part of their onboarding. You will be paired with colleagues from different teams who have joined ioki before you and you can use this connection to help you settle in the company!

Meanwhile, I kicked off my journey at ioki with a fantastic onboarding day, complete with warm welcomes, goodies, and new connections. Thanks ioki for understanding how challenging the relocation process can be. With all the support from the iokians, I have successfully made Frankfurt my new home!”

Are you interested to be a part of our company? Check out all the job openings here. See you in the next article!🥳👋🏻